Monday, October 31, 2011

Freedom Of The Sky.

I rise up in  the small plane as we get up to 16,000 ft.''Here we are'' i say as i take a deep breathe . I stare out at the misty clouds and the country side.''Come on now'' I hype myself up to face my fears.I slide off the edge of the planes floor ''here i go'' I shout as i hurtle through air ''im swimming im high-jumping,'' i think to myself as i make shapes with my body in mid air.As i go through a cloud i feel the damp fluffy softness on my cheeks.I pull my chute and i slow down from 100km per minute to 50km per minute. I now see tree tops ,birds, and house roofs; I feel awesome! I can here some cars zooming and birds churping too.Air is now smacking me in the face which gives me quite a fright!I'm almost down.Yay! With a  perfect landing i touch the soft lush grass ''i've got to do that again''.I shout in the empty field.


  1. Great response to the story we read about Bear Grylls breaking his back in a parachute accident - glad you had a happier ending!
    Mrs C
